How to flatten (or ‘explode’) a Syspro Bill Of Material (BOM): recursive loop vs. simple temp table method

Presenting Syspro’s BOMs in a ‘flattened’ (or ‘exploded’) format in Excel or in SQL Server is very handy for doing/checking Costings or doing Advanced Trail Kits.

My initial attempt at flattening BOMs was to use the TSQL recursive loop method:

WITH FlatBom(ParentPart, Component, BomLevel, RequiredQty)
AS (
— Anchor
SELECT StockCode AS ‘ParentPart’,
StockCode AS ‘Component’,
FROM dbo.InvMaster
WHERE StockCode = ‘YourParentStockCode’ — Insert your Parent item – or list of Parent items – in here


— Recursive call
SELECT BOM.ParentPart AS ‘ParentPart’,
BOM.Component AS ‘Component’,
BomLevel + 1,
ParentPart AS ‘ParentPart’,
Component AS ‘Component’,
FROM dbo.BomStructure
WHERE Route = ‘1’ AND ParentPart IS NOT NULL AND ParentPart <> ‘ ‘ –Note Route
ON CTE.Component = BOM.ParentPart



But I found this method to be extremely slow – especially when one has thousands of multilevel BOMs.  A whole lot of articles on the Net confirms this – and discourages the use of recursive loops.


As simple (and much faster) alternative is to use a (temp) table with an insert for each of your BOM levels:

SELECT ParentPart AS [Parent], 1 AS [BomLevel], ParentPart, Component, QtyPer AS [RequiredQty]
INTO #FlatBom
FROM dbo.BomStructure
WHERE ParentPart = ‘YourParentStockCode’ — Insert your Parent item – or list of Parent items – in here
AND Route = ‘1’;

INSERT INTO #FlatBom(Parent, BomLevel, ParentPart, Component, RequiredQty)
SELECT t.Parent, 2, b.ParentPart, b.Component, b.QtyPer
FROM dbo.BomStructure b
INNER JOIN #FlatBom t ON t.Component = b.ParentPart
WHERE Route = ‘1’;

INSERT INTO #FlatBom(Parent, BomLevel, ParentPart, Component, RequiredQty)
SELECT t.Parent, 3, b.ParentPart, b.Component, b.QtyPer
FROM dbo.BomStructure b
INNER JOIN #FlatBom t ON t.Component = b.ParentPart AND t.BomLevel = 2
WHERE Route = ‘1’
AND t.BomLevel = 2;

INSERT INTO #FlatBom(Parent, BomLevel, ParentPart, Component, RequiredQty)
SELECT t.Parent, 4, b.ParentPart, b.Component, b.QtyPer
FROM dbo.BomStructure b
INNER JOIN #FlatBom t ON t.Component = b.ParentPart AND t.BomLevel = 3
WHERE Route = ‘1’
AND t.BomLevel = 3;

…                                             — Repeat, for your MAX BomLevel times



I would suggest including the ScrapPercentage and other attributes in your flattening script to make (e.g.) Costings and Trail Kits more accurate.



Simple way to monitor Rack and/or Bin progress in Excel during a Syspro Stock Take

Generally, I found that it is difficult to answer the question:  “How far are we with the stock take?”

The most commonly used, quick-and-dirty measures are to

  1.   Look at the bottom-line value (or unit) variance on your Syspro or custom report.  (Least accurate method)
  2.   Count the number of StockCodes counted (captured) vs. Total number of StockCodes (in the stock take file)
  3.   Count the number of Bins counted (captured) vs. Total number of Bins in the Stock Take file (or at least, the ones with QtyOnHand > 0)

But none of these measures provide an indication of how much of the physical warehouse (space) has been covered.

The following method might be helpful, assuming you make use of Syspro’s MultiBin functionality:

For the purpose of explanation, let’s assume you have (as shown in Figure 1 below):

  •  2 x Racks, numbered ‘1’ and ‘2’
  •  each Rack is 3 x levels high, numbered (level) ‘1’, ‘2’ and ‘3’
  •  each Rack is 2 x Bins ‘deep’, numbered ‘A’ and ‘B’
Example of Warehouse Rack and Bin layout

Figure 1:  Example of Warehouse Rack and Bin layout











So you have 12 x Bins in total, numbered (say) <Rack number><Level number><Depth>:  11A, 12A, 13A, 11B, 12B, 13B and 21A, 22A, 23A, 21B, 22B, 23B

Import data from Syspro into Excel using the following Query:

SELECT Bin, MAX(NumTimesCaptured) AS [Count] FROM dbo.InvStockTake

(one can add filters for specific Warehouses, etc.)

Use Excel’s VLOOKUP function – and Conditional Formatting – to set up the simple visualization below (Figure 2, query data in column A and B).

Excel example of monitoring Racks /Bins

Figure 2:  Excel example of monitoring Racks /Bins











The formula in (say) Cell F3 – which can be copied to the rest of the ‘Bin’ cells (columns F to H):


The visualization tells us the following:

  •  (At least one) StockCode in Bin ’11A’ has been counted once.  I used Conditional formatting to show these Bins as ‘green’ or ‘ok’.
  • Level 2 of Rack 1 has not been counted yet – or these bins are empty.
  • (At least one) StockCode in Bin ’13A’ has been counted twice.  This is handy if you’d like to see if a Bin was ‘double checked’ or if everything has to be double counted (e.g. two separate teams).
  • ‘Column’ or Depth ‘B’ of Rack 2 has not been counted – or the whole ‘Column’ in Rack 2 is empty.
  • Additionally, the Excel formula also caters for instances where the Bin does not exist in Syspro – these calls will be empty (blank). (Not shown in this example)

Hope it helps!

Consolidating several Syspro (V6) companies into one Syspro (V7) company.

I was tasked to project manage the consolidation of 13 x Syspro (V6) companies into one Syspro (V7) company in 2015.

The first phase was a master file cleanup, standardisation and setup check.  The following areas were covered:

Inventory Master  (InvMaster)

I had to ensure each (unique) StockCode had the same description, Unit of Measure, Alternate Unit Of Measure and conversion factor, etc. – and that it represented the same item in reality – for all companies.  I found the easiest way to do this, was to create a single ‘consolidated’ InvMaster – and compare each companies’ data to it.

Customer and Supplier Master (ArCustomer and ApSupplier)

Each companies’ Customer and Supplier accounts remained unique – but Area, Class, Branch, Terms Codes, etc. had to be standardised across all companies.  Price lists and Contracts were also made unique.

General Ledger (GenMaster)

There was no time for a complete re-code of all GlCodes – so I prefixed each companies’ GlCodes to make it unique.

Other data and setup

Banks, Tax Codes, Gl Integration, Document Numbering, additional fields*, were just some of the list of areas that were covered.

*V6 uses AdmFormData, whereas V7 makes use of the (MUCH more convenient) ‘plus’ tables.  e.g. [InvMaster+], [ArCustomer+], etc.


A staggered approach was used for implementation (as opposed to a ‘big bang’) – and this proved to be very wise.  Learnings from each go-live were incorporated for the next consolidation run.

I wrote SQL Server 2014 scripts to handle the extraction, transformation and loading (ETL) of each companies’ Syspro data into the Consolidated environment.  For the very first implementation, I ran the (list of 70!) manually – but the rest was done via SQL Server Jobs.