Migration and consolidation of Pastel Evolution to Syspro (v7)

I was tasked to project manage the incorporation of a newly acquired company into our group.

Apart from arranging the infrastructure changes, systems setups and training required, I wrote the SQL (Jobs) to migrate data from Pastel Evolution to Syspro.

Herewith a link between some of the main Syspro tables and their counterparts in Pastel Evolution:

Syspro Evolution
ApBank BankMain
ApInvoice InvNum, PostAP
ApSupplier Vendor
ArCustomer Client
ArInvoice InvNum, PostAR
ArMasterSub Client.MainAccLink
ArTrnDetail _btblInvoiceLines
GenMaster Accounts
InvMaster StkItem, _etblUnits
InvWarehouse WhseStk
InvWhControl WhseMst
LotDetail _etblLotTracking
SalArea Areas
SalSalesperson SalesRep
TblCurrency Currency

A very handy Evolution table worth mentioning is TrCodes. Link this with PostAP and PostAR to provide you with the whole spectrum of AP and AR postings.