Syspro 6.0 BomOperations TimeCalcFlag, ElapsedTime and MovementTime

I had a situation whereby a Syspro 6.0 MRP run grouped all the Raw Material requirements into the ‘Current’ demand bucket – not spreading the demand over the next few months – as was specified in the Finished Goods lines’ Forecast – and subsequently calculated in the MRP Demand (MrpRequirement table).

For example, if the forecast of Finished Goods item ‘Bicycle’ is

Month Forecast Qty
Jan 200
Feb 100
Apr 300
May 50
Jun 200

and one can easily build 300 Bicycles a month, then one would expect the Raw Material demand of (say) ‘Handle Bar’ (where one Bicycle has only one Handle Bar, assuming no Outstanding Purchase Orders and no Stock On Hand or WIP) would be the same as above:

Month Demand Qty
Jan 200
Feb 100
Apr 300
May 50
Jun 200

But in this particular case, the demand for ‘Handle Bar’ was calculated by MRP as:

Month Demand Qty
Jan 850


I immediately compared all the Manufacturing and Requirements Planning setups, InvMaster (of Finished Goods and Raw Material item), BomStructure and even InvWarehouse fields with that of a working system – but found no differences.

I then noticed in the Finished Goods Pegging (Requirements Planning Query) that all Suggested Jobs had a (calculated) Start Date of 2000 days before the Demand (Forecast) date!  I initially thought that this was coming from the (InvMaster) Lead times – but after having Syspro calculate Lead times and then forcing test times,  it made no difference.

Eventually, it turned out to be the ‘Time Requirements’ from the BomOperations in each of the Finished Goods BOM Setups (see screenshot below).

BomOperations TimeCalcFlag, ElapsedTime and MovementTime

I had to set the ‘Fixed elapsed time’ = ‘Yes’ (by setting BomOperations.TimeCalcFlag=’N’), ‘Elapsed Time’ = 1 (BomOperations.ElapsedTime=1) and ‘Movement time’ = -1 (BomOperations.MovementTime=-1).  The MRP calculation then sees the Finished Goods item manufacturing time as 1 day.