Syspro Business Process codes for GlCodes – from IMPGLB.IMP
Once the GL Integration is fixed, one would ideally like to ‘lock down’ the used GlCodes to prevent accidental /malicious (other than the standard Syspro or authorised GL Journal) postings. Syspro V6 had a ‘Password’ field in GenMaster – so one could easily do a database update of the specified GlCodes. Unfortunately(?), V7 does not allow a Password update via database – so each code has to be done via the GUI Front End. I had around 900 GlCodes to ‘lock’, so the only other alternative was to use Business Processes.
As soon as one tick the ‘Business process enabled’ box in Ledger Code Maintenance, one can select up to ten (10) Business Processes that are allowed for the specific GlCode. Upon saving the changes, Syspro stores the selection as Business Process codes in GenMaster (BusinesProcess1, BusinessProcess2, etc).
Herewith a list of the Business process codes (extracted from IMPGLB.IMP):
Module | Description | BP Code |
APS | Admin Tax Code Maint – AP | ATM |
APS | Admin Tax Code Maint – Sales | ATC |
APS | AP Branch Maint – Control | APC |
APS | AP Branch Maint – Discount | APD |
APS | AP Integration Freight | GEP |
APS | AP Integration Input Tax | GAP |
APS | AP Integration Merchandise | GLP |
APS | AP Integration QST | GIP |
APS | AP Invoice Posting | AP1 |
APS | AP Permanent Entries Maint | API |
APS | AP Revaluation | APR |
APS | AP Supplier Maint – Freight | SMF |
APS | AP Supplier Maint – Merch | SMM |
ARP | AR Customer Branches | ACB |
ARP | AR Customer Branches-Asset | ACA |
ARP | AR Customer Branches-Expense | ACE |
ARP | AR Customer Branches-Liability | ACL |
ARP | AR Customer Branches-Revenue | ACR |
ARP | AR Payment Interface- Asset | APA |
ARP | AR Payment Interface- Expense | APE |
ARP | AR Payment Interface-Liability | APL |
ARP | SO Counter Sale Pay Interface | CSP |
ARP | Trade Promotions Accrual | TPB |
ARP | Trade Promotions Accrual Def | TPA |
ARP | Trade Promotions Deduction Def | TPD |
ARP | Trade Promotions Expense | TPF |
ARP | Trade Promotions Expense Def | TPE |
ARP | Trade Promotions Resolution Def | TPR |
ARP | Trade Promotions Writeoff Def | TPW |
ARS | Admin Extended Tax Code Maint | ETC |
ARS | Admin Import Extended Tax Code | LIF |
ARS | AP Int Contra Suspense | GLR |
ARS | AR Int Contra Suspense | GIR |
ARS | AR Int Exchange Rate Variance | GER |
ARS | AR Invoice | ARI |
ARS | AR Invoice Adjustments | ARA |
ARS | AR Misc Receipts – Cr | ARC |
ARS | AR Misc Receipts – Dr | ARD |
ARS | AR Pmt Exchange Rate Variance | ERV |
ARS | AR Revaluation | ARR |
ARS | AR Sales Interface- Expense | ASE |
ARS | AR Sales Interface- Revenue | ASR |
ARS | Dispatch Note Trial Balance | DNT |
ARS | Reserved | ARR |
ASS | Asset Int Asset Control | GAA |
ASS | Asset Int Profit And Loss | GIA |
ASS | Assets GL Interface-Asset | AGA |
ASS | Assets GL Interface-Capital | AGC |
ASS | Assets GL Interface-Depreciate | AGD |
ASS | Assets GL Interface-Expense | AGE |
ASS | Assets GL Interface-Revenue | AGR |
ASS | Assets Maintenance | ASC |
ASS | Assets Maintenance EUL | AST |
ASS | Assets profit | ASP |
ASS | GL Integration – Revenue | GRS |
CSH | Cash Book Deposit | CST |
CSH | CB Bank Maint – Bank Charge | BMG |
CSH | CB Bank Maint – Cash account | BMC |
CSH | CB Bank Maint – Exchange | BME |
CSH | CB Integration Inter-Comp | GLC |
CSH | CB Integration Withdrawal | GAC |
CSH | CB Posting | CSH |
GEN | GL Alternative Currency Setup | ACS |
GEN | GL Balance of Recurring Jnl | GBE |
GEN | GL Initial History | GIH |
GEN | GL Integration balance | GCG |
GEN | GL Journal Posting | GJL |
GEN | GL Journal Posting Recurring | GJR |
GEN | GL Percentage of Recur Jnl | GPT |
GEN | GL Prov of Recur Jnl – Cr | GCR |
GEN | GL Prov of Recur Jnl – Dr | GDR |
GEN | GL Retained Earnings balance | GRE |
GEN | GL Revaluation Category Maint | GRC |
GEN | GL Statistical Accounting | STA |
GEN | GL Template Maintenance | GTM |
GEN | WIP Job Receipts | WJR |
INV | ABC Element Descriptor Maint | AED |
INV | GIT Receipts with Apportionment | GRA |
INV | GIT Warehouse Matrices | GWM |
INV | GRN Adjustments | GRN |
INV | Inv GL Interface PPV | IGG |
INV | Inv GL Interface Ledger Acc | IGI |
INV | Inv Integration Costs | GEI |
INV | Inv Integration Non-stock | GAI |
INV | Inv Integration Operation | GLI |
INV | Inv Movements – Change Cost | IMC |
INV | Inv Movements – Change Qty | IMQ |
INV | Inv Movements – Cost Mod | IMM |
INV | Inv Movements – Issues & Adj | IMI |
INV | Inv Movements – Non Merch | IMN |
INV | Inv Movements – Physical Count | IMP |
INV | Inv Movements – Receipts | IMR |
INV | Inv Movements – Transfers | IMT |
INV | Inv Receipts | REC |
INV | Inv Stock Code Maint | SCA |
INV | Inv WH for Stock Code | IWS |
INV | Inventory adjustment | IAH |
INV | Inventory expense issue | IEX |
INV | Inventory receipt | IRE |
INV | Inventory transfer IN | ITI |
INV | Inventory transfer OUT | ITO |
INV | Inventory Warehouses-Assets | IWA |
INV | Inventory Warehouses-Expense | IWE |
INV | Inventory Warehouses-Liability | IWL |
INV | LCT Element Maintenance | LEM |
INV | PO Blanket PO Contract Maint | BPO |
INV | PO Entry | PON |
INV | PO Receipts & Inspection Credit | PRI |
INV | PO Receipts & Inspection Debit | PRD |
INV | PO Receipts & Inspection Nonm | PRN |
INV | Product Config Maint | PCH |
INV | Quotation Non-Stocked | QNS |
INV | Requisition Entry | RQE |
INV | SO Counter Sales | SCS |
INV | WIP Inspection Maint – Other | WIO |
INV | WIP Inspection Maint – Rework | WIR |
INV | WIP Job Creation and Maint | JCM |
INV | WIP Job Issues | WJI |
INV | WIP Non-stk Job Create & Maint | JNS |
INV | WIP P&C Standard Hierarchy | JSH |
WPB | P&C Job Billing Adjustment | JBA |
WPB | WIP Job Closure | JCL |
WPB | WIP Part Billing | WPB |
WPL | BOM Cost Centers | BCC |
WPL | BOM Work Centers | BWC |
WPL | WIP Integration | GAW |
WPL | WIP labor posting | WPL |
WPL | WIP Non-productive Code Maint | BNP |