Syspro 7 Assets: Tips and tricks
I’ve recently implemented Assets in Syspro 7 and would like to share some of what I learnt:
Start with Branches, Cost Centers and Asset Groups
If you need to produce financial statements for various Branches to Cost Center level, make sure your (structured) GlCodes cater for this level of granularity. You’ll use these GlCodes in the integration setup.
Bulk create GlCodes
I used the AssetIntegDet table, which I designed in Excel first, as the basis to see which (new) GlCodes were required. Since I had to create over 860 new GlCodes, I uploaded the GlCode and Description into a SQL Server temp table and bulk inserted the GlCodes using a ‘standard’ Expense GlCode as template.
Coding of Assets
Of the various Asset numbering/coding methodologies available, I decided to use: Asset Type + Acquisition year + Acquisition month + a sequential number. e.g. ‘PM201703001’ for the 1st ‘Plant and Machinery’ item acquired in March 2017. This way, one may move an asset to any Branch and/or Cost Center and/or Location – without changing the asset number.
Excel Asset master and acquisition book
Initially I thought I’d write SQL code to ‘transfer’ asset master data (including acquisitions) from the ‘test’ to ‘live’ environment (ensuring a quick take-on) – but since a whole set of tables are touched during asset creation and acquisition, I decided to rather use the Syspro V7 ‘copy-and-paste’ method. It turned out to be a very quick and audit-able method. Even if you’re doing over 2500 assets in one go. (It took me around 40 minutes from start to end, basically just waiting for Syspro to write amendment journals, etc.) I suggest keeping the asset master and acquisition sheets in exactly the same (sorted by Asset number) order.
Method to ‘reset’ Assets
During the test phase, it helped a lot to have a method to ‘reset’ everything and start from scratch. I used a SQL SP that deletes the relevant Asset and GL tables.
Use SQL SPs for reporting
I had to report (in Excel) asset transactions and values on around 35 x Branches, 38 x Cost Centers and 242 Locations. Instead of ‘hard coding’ these, using a parameterised SP saved several hours.
Best time: start of new financial year
Its just best for balances and change management.