How to set up an IBM Informix database as an OLE DB Linked Server in Microsoft® SQL Server

I linked a IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 9.40.UC4 on SuSE SLES 8 server – with Microsoft SQL Server Standard (64-bit) on Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard:

1.  Get the latest IBM Informix Client SDK  from here (I used clientsdk.3.70.FC7DE.WIN) and install on your Microsoft Server.

If you are installing the 32 bit version onto a 64 bit machine, you might need to change the SysWOW64 path:   open a comand prompt from the folder where the Informix SDK install is and enter:


2.  Add your host in C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts (at the very bottom), e.g.  <your server IP>  <your server name>

3.  Similarly, add “sqlexec  1526/tcp#” at the very bottom of C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/services.  Note the # at the end.


Now simply call your remote db – from the MS SQL side – as follows:

SELECT * FROM [LinkedServer].[RemoteDatabase].[User/Owner].[Table]