Business Analysis, BI and Reporting, Project Management
When a stock take result will cause a Sales Order’s Ship Qty to go to negative or zero – the Stock Take Confirmation process will halt – until all the relevant Sales Order detail lines are de-allocated (‘available’). Syspro’s standard report shows a list of StockCodes – so one would need to find the relating Sales Order(s) (via Inventory Enquiry) – and de-allocate accordingly. Quite a lengthy process!
But here’s a SQL query that will produce a (crude) list of Sales Order numbers that are preventing the Stock Take Confirmation to complete:
SELECT DISTINCT h.SalesOrder, h.ShipAddress1, d.MWarehouse, d.MStockCode, d.MStockDes, d.MOrderQty, d.MShipQty FROM SorDetail d, SorMaster h WHERE h.CancelledFlag <> 'Y' AND h.OrderStatus <> '9' AND h.OrderStatus <> '*' AND h.OrderStatus <> '\' AND d.SalesOrderDetStat <> 'C' AND d.SalesOrder = h.SalesOrder AND h.DocumentType <> 'C' AND d.LineType <> '6' AND (d.MShipQty + d.MBackOrderQty) > 0 AND CONCAT(d.MWarehouse, d.MStockCode) IN ( SELECT CONCAT(w.Warehouse, w.StockCode) FROM InvWarehouse w, InvStockTake s WHERE w.Warehouse = s.Warehouse AND w.StockCode = s.StockCode AND (s.OrigQtyOnHand - s.QtyCaptured) > 0 -- Only interested in REDUCTIONS AND ((w.QtyOnHand-(w.QtyAllocated-w.QtyOnBackOrder)) - (s.OrigQtyOnHand - s.QtyCaptured)) < 0 -- Only where ShipQtys will be affected ) ORDER BY h.SalesOrder
This might speed this up!
PS: It might even speed things up more – if you run this BEFORE the stock take – and reduce allocations where more than 90% of the stock holding is allocated to Sales Orders.
Sure one can identify an AP Invoice posting in GenJournalDetail by looking for Source = ‘AP’ and Type = ‘EXP’ – but how is the ‘Comment’ compiled – or how do you search for ‘your’ AP Invoice?
I think the image below is self explanatory. I’d search for WHERE GenJournalDetail.Comment LIKE ‘Jnl:%Inv:%<your Inv No or part of>%’;
You’ve got table #t1:
InvoiceNumber | StockCode |
Inv001 | Stk001 |
Inv001 | Stk002 |
Inv001 | Stk003 |
Inv002 | Stk001 |
Inv002 | Stk003 |
But you want:
InvoiceNumber | StockList |
Inv001 | Stk001,Stk002,Stk003 |
Inv002 | Stk001,Stk003 |
Then use:
DISTINCT t2.InvoiceNumber,
FROM #t1 t1
WHERE t1.InvoiceNumber = t2.InvoiceNumber
ORDER BY t1.InvoiceNumber,StockCode
For XML PATH (”)),2, 1000)[StockList]
FROM #t1 t2;
1. I’ve said it before – keep your staff training as close as possible to go-live. People forget. Quickly.
2. Have the training facility load your data! If the training is done off-site, people will be overwhelmed by the new environment – they’ll be even more lost if they do not see ‘their’ Stock Code, Suppliers, Customers, etc.
3. Have the training facility print and copy a few screenshots. Picture = 1000 words. Trainees can then make notes on these and take them back to the office. Save the cost of having a (traditional) training manual printed – nobody looks at them.. ever.
4. Ensure that the trainer show you how to reverse an entry. (Or fix a punching error). This causes 90% of go-live chaos: users do not know how to fix their own mistakes.
5. It is not often that a company gets the chance to investigate their business processes as thuroughly as what usually happens during a ERP implementation and training sessions. Make use of this opportunity to improve and streamline your business!
Find any field name in a MS SQL db – matching your search string (e.g. ‘perator’, as in ‘Operator’ or ‘operator’):
FROM sysobjects
JOIN syscolumns ON =
JOIN systypes ON syscolumns.xtype=systypes.xtype
WHERE sysobjects.xtype=’U’ and like ‘%perator%’
ORDER BY,syscolumns.colid
Change the ‘’ to ‘’ to search on table names.
Handy when learning a new system!
Herewith a list of the most commonly used Pastel Partner Table names, a short description of each and the corresponding file name.
Table Name | Description | Filename |
AccountUser | Passwords, User Settings | accuser.dat |
ActivityMaster | Time & Billing Activities | accactiv.dat |
AnalysisCodes | Receipt Analysis Codes | accranal.dat |
BankDetails | Receipting Bank Details | accbnk.dat |
BICUsers | BI Centre users | ACCBIC.dat |
BillingParameters | Time & Billing Parameters | accprmts.dat |
BOMHeader | Bill Of Material Header | accbomh.dat |
BOMLines | Bill Of Material Lines | accboml.dat |
CashBookCurrency | Foreign Cash Books / Currency Balances | acccbcur.dat |
CostCodes | Cost Codes | accjcode.dat |
CurrencyFile | Foreign Currency | accfcurr.dat |
CustomerCategories | Customer Categories | accdcat.dat |
CustomerDiscount | Volume Based prices | accdisc.dat |
CustomerMaster | Customer Master | AccMasD.dat |
CustSuppParameters | Customer / Supplier Parameters | accprmdc.dat |
DeliveryAddresses | Customer Delivery Address | accdeliv.dat |
EmployeeActivities | Time & Billing Employee Activities | accempac.dat |
EmployeeMaster | Time & Billing Employees | accemp.dat |
Euro | Euro Code | acceuro.dat |
FinancialCategories | Financial Categories | accfcat.dat |
Fonts | Printer / Font Setup | accfont.dat |
HistoryHeader | History of Document (e.g. Inv/Crn) Headers | acchisth.dat |
HistoryLines | Document Lines, Inventory History | acchistl.dat |
HistoryTax | Tax History | acchtax.dat |
HistoryUserDesc | User (Transaction) History Descriptions | acchistu.dat |
HistoryUserSetup | User History Settings | acchistd.dat |
InternetBank | Internet Banking Cashbook | accbank.dat |
InternetBenf | Internet Banking Beneficiaries | accbenf.dat |
Inventory | Inventory Master | accprd.dat |
InventoryCategory | Inventory Categories | accicat.dat |
InventoryGroups | Inventory Group | accgrp.dat |
InventoryLink | Store Linking | accstklk.dat |
InventoryParameters | Inventory Parameters | accprmst.dat |
JumpUserAccess | JumpUserAccess | ACCUSERACCESS.DAT |
LedgerBalances | General Ledger Balances | ACCMASB.DAT |
LedgerMaster | General Ledger Master | accmas.dat |
LedgerParameters | General Ledger Parameters | accprmgl.dat |
LedgerTransactions | GL, Customer, Supplier Transactions | acctrn.dat |
LinkHeader | Link Header | acclinkh.dat |
LinkLines | Link Lines | acclinkl.dat |
MenuAccess | Menu Access | ACCMACCESS.dat |
MultiStore | Multi Store | accstore.dat |
MultiStoreTrn | Multi Store Transactions | accstkst.dat |
Notes | Notes | accnote.dat |
OpenItem | Open Items | accoi.dat |
POSAudit | Point of Sale Audit | posaudit.dat |
POSCashUp | Point of Sale Cashup | poscash.dat |
POSPaidOuts | Point of Sale Paid Outs | pospo.dat |
POSPayments | Point of Sale Payments | pospaymt.dat |
POSSetup | Point of Sale Setup | accprmps.dat |
PreferredSupplier | Preffered Supplier | accstkps.dat |
ProcessOptions | Process Options | ACCUSROPT.DAT |
ReceiptTransactions | Receipt Transactions | accrecpt.dat |
ReportCategories | Report Categories | accrcat.dat |
ReportExport | Report Export | accrwexp.dat |
ReportWriter | Report Writer | accrepw.dat |
SalesmanMaster | Salesman Master | accsale.dat |
SerialMaster | Serial Master | accmassn.dat |
SerialTransaction | Serial Transactions | acctrnsn.dat |
SupplierCategories | Supplier Categories | ACCCCAT.DAT |
SupplierMaster | Supplier Master | accmasc.dat |
SystemParameters | System Parameters | accprmsy.dat |
TaxBox | Tax Box | acctbox.dat |
TaxDescription | Tax Description | acctdesc.dat |
TaxParameters | Tax Parameters | accprmtx.dat |
TimesheetHead | Timesheet Header | acctimeh.dat |
TimesheetLines | Timesheet Lines | acctimel.dat |
Unposted | Unposted | accprdq.dat |
UserGroups | User Groups | ACCUSRGRP.DAT |
UserStore | User Store | accusstr.dat |
Let me know if you need to link these or do a custom Pastel report from them!
I linked a IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 9.40.UC4 on SuSE SLES 8 server – with Microsoft SQL Server Standard (64-bit) on Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard:
1. Get the latest IBM Informix Client SDK from here (I used clientsdk.3.70.FC7DE.WIN) and install on your Microsoft Server.
If you are installing the 32 bit version onto a 64 bit machine, you might need to change the SysWOW64 path: open a comand prompt from the folder where the Informix SDK install is and enter:
2. Add your host in C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts (at the very bottom), e.g. <your server IP> <your server name>
3. Similarly, add “sqlexec 1526/tcp#” at the very bottom of C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/services. Note the # at the end.
Now simply call your remote db – from the MS SQL side – as follows:
SELECT * FROM [LinkedServer].[RemoteDatabase].[User/Owner].[Table]
I designed a web based stock take system for a client which incorporates time reducing practices.
The system was built to force users to work according to an efficient procedure – and allows the Warehouse Manager to view the progress through-out. At any point he/she can see the areas counted (vs un-counted) and the effect on the whole (System Stock Valuation vs Counted Valuation).
We improved the system bi-annually for the last 9 years.
Let me know if you need something similar!